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Theistnormativity: How Atheists are Pressured to Pretend to Believe in God

Atheists United is thrilled to host speaker and scholar Kristina M. Lee for this month's AU Live presentation!

Kristina M. Lee is a Ph.D. candidate at Colorado State University. Kristina studies the intersection of religious and political rhetoric, with a particular interest in issues relating to Christian nationalism, atheism, theistnormativity, and religious marginalization. Her work on theistnormativity explores the ways that theistic beliefs and identities are privileged within the United States and the implication for non-theists who are often dismissed in political discussions and pressured to pass as theistic in their daily lives

This event is free for all members with a suggested donation of $10 for non-members. To become a member visit

The meeting will be hosted ONLINE and is only accessible to the first 100 attendees. Q&A will follow the main presentation.

RSVP to see Zoom link.

Stick around after the meeting for the here-after-life party hosted by the godfather of fun, Klaus!

Email if you have any questions.

October 23

Freethought Toastmasters (ONLINE)

October 26

SMART Recovery Los Angeles